CONVAL Group was incorporated in Toronto Canada in 2000 as a company with a mission of serving as consultants and technology enablers to Life Sciences Industry for increasing compliance and quality in various disciplines of Life Sciences industry such as production, quality control, quality assurance, information technology and R&D. From 2000 to 2004 CONVALgroup worked on various compliance training and compliance consultancy projects with Asian, North American and European customers. CONVALgroup has established its sister company in Istanbul Europe as of 2004, in Pune Asia as of 2012 and in Bratislava as of 2018. One of the group’s main objectives is to position itself as a preferred choice of consultants to the pharma industry in Asia, Europe and North America not only through service quality but also through sharing the compliance risk with its customers. Combined more than 300 years of pharma experience and is positioning CONVALgroup as a reputable and well accepted company in the European pharma industry with some of the success stories such as CSV of Quality Management Systems, ERP Projects, WMS, MES projects, LIMS, DMS, Lab Software, BMS, Track and Trace Systems, Network Qualification and custom code developments.