Table of contents
Purchase orders allow companies to exchange data about requests to purchase goods and services with upstream and downstream supply chain trade partners without giving these trade partners access to their serialization system of record. These purchase orders can be used to request specific products and quantities from their Partners and confirm that partners have the requested product and quantities on hand and intend to fulfill the request via a purchase order acknowledgment.
The PO Acknowledgment IDoc message sends a response to a PO from the seller to the buyer. In addition to confirming the receipt of a new order, the acknowledgment tells the buyer if the PO was accepted, if there are any required changes, or if it was rejected.
Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.
- Message Type: MPC_PURCHASE_ORDER_ACK (Purchase Order Acknowledgment)
- IDoc Format: ORDRSP.ORDERS05
- Transform Names:
- B2B_IDoc_ORDERS05_PurchaseOrderAcknowledgment_IB_V4
- B2B_IDoc_ORDERS05_PurchaseOrderAcknowledgment_OB_V2