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This topic answers some frequently asked questions about Opus Solution Environment (OSE). Contact TraceLink to suggest additional questions to include.

TraceLink apps are extended through solutions, which pull together assets that define how the app looks and functions when users interact with it (i.e. the app's data model, pages, workflows, roles, and policies). Solutions available through the Marketplace Catalog can be saved and configured to meet a company's specific use cases and business needs.

TraceLink offers three types of solutions:
- Standard Solutions are pre-installed by TraceLink and available for any company to use. These solutions provide baseline functionality that addresses common needs across multiple companies. They cannot be directly configured by users, ensuring consistency and reliability in their deployment.
- Marketplace Solutions offer a broader range of functionality designed to meet specific business needs. Solution Partners and TraceLink's own Professional Services and application development teams create Marketplace Solutions with the intention of solving complex challenges both within a company and across its trade partners. Users cannot directly configure Marketplace Solutions.
- Company Solutions are highly configured and tailored to a specific company. Solution Designers configure Company Solutions to meet their company's specific needs and processes. Company Solutions are usually created by saving a Standard Solution or Marketplace Solution, but can be created from scratch. Solution Designers can currently add and configure pages, menus, roles, business objects, and workflows in their solutions. Future releases of OSE will provide functionality to also configure policies and notification templates.

The model changes will increment to the next version without breaking your solution. If you are using a base object type (e.g. a business transaction object) and want to leverage new options that come with the data model change (e.g. a new rich field type), you need to update your solution. If you are using a subtype (e.g. a purchase order), you will not receive the changes.
Opus Solution Environment (OSE)

Opus Solution Environment (OSE) is the next generation of TraceLink's product for creating, searching for, and configuring Company Solutions for your licensed TraceLink products. OSE provides a no-code development environment where Solution Designers can drag and drop components onto a page in their Company Solution and configure the elements in the solution with an intuitive user interface.

Solution Builder is the metadata-driven app that provides a framework for solution development.

Opus Solution Environment (OSE) is the only solution available for Solution Builder.

Opus Ensemble is the global user interface that provides access to user tools and the overall layout and navigation for all Opus solutions. Opus Solution Environment (OSE) is a separate TraceLink product used to create and configure specific solutions, determining the information users engage with. In short, Opus Ensemble establishes global interaction patterns and OSE establishes the information within a solution.
Configuring a solution

Opus solutions contain many configurable building blocks, including business objects, workflows, menu structures, roles, policies, and various UI pages (e.g. Search, New, and View/Edit pages).

OSE provides a set of predefined rich field types (i.e. data entry fields that allow users to input and format complex content beyond plain text), each of which has a default UI component used by the page type. Solution Designers can use new rich field types in their solutions as they become available. In some cases, there are alternative components for rich field types that can be swapped out during the design process. Solution Designers can also create their own compatible components to replace the defaults, offering flexibility to designers within the existing framework.

A group in a Company Solution that is associated with an object type (e.g. purchase order) can only be used in another Company Solution if the solution uses the same object type.

Some rich field types use a display format that can be configured by the Solution Designer while designing the page. When that field appears in a page, it displays in the desired format.
OSE roles

- Company Solution Developer – Allows users to create, configure, and manage Company Solutions.
- Standard Solution Developer – Internal role to be assigned only to TraceLink solution designers. Do not assign this role to users.

Roles group a set of permissions for specific actions (either in the UI or via API), side menu items, and data within an app. The solution applied to the app or its network determines which roles are available. Administrators assign users to roles when they assign users to an app, its network, or its Links.
Owners assign specific roles to Links, allowing their Partners to assign those roles to the Partner users with access to the Link.
Configuring roles in a solution

Companies must own Opus Solution Environment (OSE) to add or edit roles. If your company owns OSE and you also have the Solution Designer role assigned, you can add new roles to a Company Solution or edit existing roles by navigating to OSE and selecting Roles in the side menu. If your company does not own OSE, then contact TraceLink Support for more information.
Opus Platform

Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters, must not be your email, and must include at least one:
- Numerical digit
- Lowercase letter
- Uppercase letter
- Special character
If your company was enabled on the Opus Platform from Track & Trace Services, the following password settings from Track & Trace Services apply:
- Number of previous passwords that cannot be reused.
- Number of login attempts allowed before the account is locked.
- Number of days until the password expires.
If your company was not originally enabled on Track & Trace Services, the following default settings apply to TraceLink SSO:
- The previous 6 passwords cannot be reused.
- 5 login attempts are allowed before the account is locked.
- Passwords expire in 30 days.

The Opus Platform supports the following web browsers:
- Google Chrome: Versions 57, 68, 74, or above
- Microsoft Edge: Version 80 or above
- Microsoft Edge (Legacy): Versions 16, 17, and 18
- Mozilla Firefox: Versions 60, 63, 67, or above
- Apple Safari: Versions 12.1.2, 13.0, or above
The Opus Platform supports the following mobile browsers:
- Google Chrome Mobile: Version 80.0 or above
- Android Web View: Version 80.0 or above
- iOS Safari: Version 13.1 or above